Successful MLDK International C-level Forum kickoff

Yesterday, we had the pleasure to kick-off our new MLDK International C-level Forum at the Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport.

This is a forum where we can welcome future international C-level managers from our member companies who are joining the Danish FMCG/AFH business. Danish native seeking C-level are also welcome, but the language in the forum will be English.

Close to 20 people have signed up for the forum, and if needed, we are more than happy to launch one more of its kind – future demand will determine that.

We got great input to future topic of interest for the forum and committed delivery team that will support the forum getting started. One topic of common interest was, as always, getting business and market perspectives for our customers. Already at our first meeting, we had the pleasure to have one of our customers, sharing perspective, as Rasmus Pape, CCO at Lidl, was the guest speaker. Big thanks to Rasmus for an inspiring presentation and dialogue!

For further information, please contact Niels Jensen, CEO at MLDK, at

  • Del

Som medlem af Mærkevareleverandørerne spiller du en afgørende rolle i foreningens virke. Det er nemlig vores medlemmer, der gennem bestyrelse, udvalg og arbejdsgrupper er med til at udvikle og facilitere vores mange tiltag. Lige nu har vi mere end 110 medlemmer, der alle er væsentlige spillere i Dansk Detailhandel og Away From Home.

Bliv medlem