About MLDK
Get to know us better and dive into some of the focus areas we work with.
MLDK – Branded Goods Association Denmark is a commercial community of interest for suppliers to Danish retail and Away From Home. Our aim is to promote our members value towards the consumers, the society, and the market. We do this because the brands play a crucial role in value-creating innovation and sustainable solutions.
Our primary task is to assure the interests of our members, articulating prioritized issues and messages. This contributes, among other things, to consumers’ access to an inspiring and diverse range of branded products in line with their needs and demands.
We believe that a balanced collaboration, built on good trading practices, contributes to the development of an efficient value chain that benefits both the consumers and the Danish society. We therefore work to create an efficient and competitive market with fair framework and trade conditions for all parties in the value chain—regardless of the distribution channel.
We aim to strengthen collaboration between retailers, wholesalers, and end-users, believing that, as an industry with a collective focus on the entire value chain, we can take greater societal responsibility and contribute to suppliers meeting consumers’ wishes and needs more effectively.
Som medlem af Mærkevareleverandørerne spiller du en afgørende rolle i foreningens virke. Det er nemlig vores medlemmer, der gennem bestyrelse, udvalg og arbejdsgrupper er med til at udvikle og facilitere vores mange tiltag. Lige nu har vi mere end 110 medlemmer, der alle er væsentlige spillere i Dansk Detailhandel og Away From Home.
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